Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Baseball Rule Book, Cussed by Many, Loved by Few

The baseball rule book is a very unique rule book. It is cussed by many, loved by few.

When you think about the baseball rule book, think back to when you were a kid on a scavenger hunt.  In order to win you must go to many locations in order to locate everything on your list.  This is just like trying to find rulings in the baseball rule book. 

Many complicated baseball infractions and pertinent additional rulings are scattered throughout the rule book. You must find all of the pertinent rulings located on one to six different pages and three to six different rule numbers.  Then once all are collected, retain them, then apply them when they are recognized during a game. I forgot to mention there is no table of contents or page number. 

Baseball Rules in Black and White has nineteen chapters, each one addresses a specific complicated infraction . They are listed in alphabetical order in the front of the book with a corresponding page number. Each chapter includes many additional pertinent ruling actions. No more wasting time randomly flipping through pages looking for rule / page numbers trying to collect and retain scattered information. 

Of the more than 220 pertinent ruling actions in Baseball Rules in Black and White each has been revised into reader friendly language and includes the rule and page number from the NFHS rule book for additional referencing purposes if needed.

It is no wonder that hundreds of coaches at the 2017 ABCA convention in Anaheim had this to say about Baseball Rules in Black and White. “Genius”, “simple”, “needed”, “awesome”, and “It’s about time”. 


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