Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Baseball Rule Book Problem and the Solution!

The baseball rule book problem: In order to find one ruling action you need to go to the index in the back of the book, which can list up to six related rule numbers. This means you need to go find the six pages the rule numbers are on and then locate that rule.  Once you have found those rules be prepared to find four more rule numbers listed that impact the rule.  Then you would need to find those four pages, find each one of those rules and pray like hell there are no more rule numbers provided. The "rule book's scavenger hunt format causes the number one problem with baseball, multiple interpretations for any one rule and all additional ruling actions that follow".  

The baseball rule book solution: Baseball Rules in Black and White.

The nineteen rules in Baseball Rules in Black and White can be found quickly in the front of the book in a Table of Contents listed A to Z, which includes the page number it can be found.  Once you go to that page you will find the page and rule number(s) from the NFHS rule book it came from.  In the following pages of each chapter you will find many additional reader friendly ruling actions (over 200 in the book) that pertain to each specific chapter. Each additional ruling action provides the NFHS page and rule number(s) where it can be confirmed.  All ruling definitions are written clearly in plain English, in big font, easily found and NFHS verifiable. 

This baseball season you now have an alternative, you can continue spending your time randomly flipping through pages of the rule book searching or you can spend your time reading and comprehending Baseball Rules in Black and White.

                             Baseball Rules in Black and White webpage

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