Friday, December 9, 2016

Even the baseball gods do not know all the rules!

If you're the baseball fan that declares that you know (all) the rules what this tells me the most, you obviously do not know much about baseball rules.  

Thousands of baseball leagues each having their own set of hundreds of specific or vague rules.  Thousands of tournaments each having their own set of specific or vague rules. There are rules that are not written in any rule book, but yet can or should be applied to a baseball game. Games being played on modified fields or extreme conditions all impacting what the rules are.

Baseball rules before a game starts are and can be
arbitrarily changed at the desecration of those who are overseeing any given game or tournament.  The more organized the game or tournament, the less arbitrary the rules.  The less organized the game or tournament, the more arbitrary the rules.

It would be humanly impossible for anyone to know all the rules of baseball, says this umpire. If someone tells you different, I recommend getting your information from someone who is more realistic.

So what does this say about the book Baseball Rules in Black and White Baseball Rules in Black and White "Difficult High School Baseball Rules Made Easy"?  The nineteen rules addressed in my book are and should be applied to every National Federation of High School baseball game from coast to coast and boarder to boarder. With the possible exceptions of uncontrollable factors such a weather and field conditions. 

So the next time you hear that one loud mouth fan shouting his rules interpretations like he is a messenger from the baseball gods, just keep in mind even the baseball gods do not know all the rules.

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