Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Future of Baseball Rules in Black and White

The future for Baseball Rules in Black and White is limitless.  With the 2017 High School edition currently being purchased all across the country and receiving grand reviews from coaches and umpires everywhere, what could be next? 
What is next? Our app.  That’s right, an app that will put the power of Black and White at your fingertips at the ball game, on the road or at home. Coaches and fans can now enjoy knowing the rules instead of best guessing them.
                             Buy Baseball Rules in Black and White
Let’s not forget that Baseball Rules in Black in White is also currently available in eBook as well.  Talk about friendly choices, paperback $12.99, eBook $8.99 and soon an app in the $4-6 dollar range.
That’s not all, at the end of March we are expecting our newest and much anticipated college version of Baseball Rules in Black and White “Difficult College Baseball Rules Made Easy”, followed by an app.
Also coming in 2017 is youth baseball, youth softball and big league baseball. 
                                    Baseball Rules in Black and White Website

We remove the difficulty of using an old school rule book when trying to find and understand a correct rule interpretation. We have been working hard to set the standard when it comes to user friendly baseball education resources at every level.
                            Buy Baseball Rules in Black and White

Black and White Mission Statement

Mission Statement

At Baseball Rules in Black and White our goal is to provide the most innovative, efficient, and beneficial baseball rules resources possible.

Our passion and commitment to attain these goals is driven by our love for the game of baseball.

Following our passion and being open to innovative change, success will follow.

                             Baseball Rules in Black and White

Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Baseball Rule Book Problem and the Solution!

The baseball rule book problem: In order to find one ruling action you need to go to the index in the back of the book, which can list up to six related rule numbers. This means you need to go find the six pages the rule numbers are on and then locate that rule.  Once you have found those rules be prepared to find four more rule numbers listed that impact the rule.  Then you would need to find those four pages, find each one of those rules and pray like hell there are no more rule numbers provided. The "rule book's scavenger hunt format causes the number one problem with baseball, multiple interpretations for any one rule and all additional ruling actions that follow".  

The baseball rule book solution: Baseball Rules in Black and White.

The nineteen rules in Baseball Rules in Black and White can be found quickly in the front of the book in a Table of Contents listed A to Z, which includes the page number it can be found.  Once you go to that page you will find the page and rule number(s) from the NFHS rule book it came from.  In the following pages of each chapter you will find many additional reader friendly ruling actions (over 200 in the book) that pertain to each specific chapter. Each additional ruling action provides the NFHS page and rule number(s) where it can be confirmed.  All ruling definitions are written clearly in plain English, in big font, easily found and NFHS verifiable. 

This baseball season you now have an alternative, you can continue spending your time randomly flipping through pages of the rule book searching or you can spend your time reading and comprehending Baseball Rules in Black and White.

                             Baseball Rules in Black and White webpage

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Baseball Rule Book, Cussed by Many, Loved by Few

The baseball rule book is a very unique rule book. It is cussed by many, loved by few.

When you think about the baseball rule book, think back to when you were a kid on a scavenger hunt.  In order to win you must go to many locations in order to locate everything on your list.  This is just like trying to find rulings in the baseball rule book. 

Many complicated baseball infractions and pertinent additional rulings are scattered throughout the rule book. You must find all of the pertinent rulings located on one to six different pages and three to six different rule numbers.  Then once all are collected, retain them, then apply them when they are recognized during a game. I forgot to mention there is no table of contents or page number. 

Baseball Rules in Black and White has nineteen chapters, each one addresses a specific complicated infraction . They are listed in alphabetical order in the front of the book with a corresponding page number. Each chapter includes many additional pertinent ruling actions. No more wasting time randomly flipping through pages looking for rule / page numbers trying to collect and retain scattered information. 

Of the more than 220 pertinent ruling actions in Baseball Rules in Black and White each has been revised into reader friendly language and includes the rule and page number from the NFHS rule book for additional referencing purposes if needed.

It is no wonder that hundreds of coaches at the 2017 ABCA convention in Anaheim had this to say about Baseball Rules in Black and White. “Genius”, “simple”, “needed”, “awesome”, and “It’s about time”. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Baseball Coaches Choice Award

We arrived at the American Baseball Coaches Association Convention at the Anaheim Convention Center and tried to locate our booth among the 385 exhibitors with the likes of giants, Diamond, Franklin, Rawlings, and Wilson.  It was truly an honor and humbling to stand under the same roof with these icons in the world of baseball and present Baseball Rules in Black and White to coaches from all across America.

The next day hundreds of coaches eagerly anticipating the opening of the 2017 ABCA convention doors generated a buzz of electricity in the air, the same as lightning before it strikes the ground. It was intense.  The doors opened and before they would close on the final day, nearly 5,000 coaches would have entered the building. 

                               Buy Baseball Rules in Black and White

We would finally know how Baseball Rules in Black and White would play to hundreds of seasoned and knowledgeable baseball coaches.  After 20 years of umpiring, as you can imagine, I have put my share of frowns on coaches’ faces, but smiles were placed on every face as they saw the A to Z table of contents, large font size and simply defined and verifiable rules.  Kristel, my wife and I can attest that Baseball Rules in Black and White is the desired rule book of choice for 99% of coaches who saw what this book does and how easy it is to use.

“Genius”, “simple”, “needed”, “awesome”, and “It’s about time” were just a few of the unsolicited words of praise that hundreds of baseball coaches from all across America shared this past week regarding Baseball Rules in Black and White.  After twenty years of umpiring I did not believe that it was possible for that many coaches to be so happy, but as they quickly realized the user friendly format and the book’s ability to define a rule quickly, the coaches were sold and bought Baseball Rules in Black and White.
                                           Baseball Rules in Black and White

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Final Days 20% Off Sale

Baseball Rules in Black and White: "Difficult High School Baseball Rules Made Easy" Holiday Savings Ends 1-13-17 
By James C. Bettencourt
Paperback: List Price: $12.99 $10.39 | You Save: 20%
Prints in 3-5 business days

Buy Now   

Baseball Rules in Black and White

Monday, January 2, 2017

Youth Baseball & Baseball Rules in Black and White

For every copy of Baseball Rules in Black and White purchased at the American Baseball Coaches Association Convention January 5th - 7th at the Anaheim Convention Center, we will donate 5% to American Legion Baseball & Little League Inc. Stop by booth 850 and help support youth baseball or just to say hello.