Sunday, July 7, 2024

Simple English in Black and White

When information is confusing, that information can often become distorted, misinterpreted, or argumentative. This is truly the case with conventional baseball rule information.

I’ve watched, played, coached and umpired the game of baseball collectively for over 60 years.  During most of those 60 years, I didn’t have a clear understanding of the more complex rules of the game. I remember thinking, that has to change. Years of reading conventional rule books were to no avail, I was going to find a way to improve my understanding of the rules of baseball.One way or another. 

I could no longer walk on the field as an umpire, and not have a clear understanding of the rules I was expected to enforce.  So, in 2016 my quest began.

I begrudgingly went line by line and converted complex conventional baseball rule information into simple English that was easy to read, understand and retain.  What I immediately saw was unbelievable. For the first time ever, this simplified language gave me a clear understanding of what I was reading.  Honestly, I never thought this was possible. It was an electrifying moment, to finally be able to understand information that had eluded me for years. It was staggering.  

The change was incredible, doubt replaced with confidence, trepidation with empowerment. I was no longer in my own head thinking about the what ifs, and could now focus more on the many other jobs a working umpire has, finally.

It’s now some 8 years later. The converted, simple English rule information I developed for myself, is now available to everyone in the Baseball Rules in Black and White App. You too can become a better coach, player, fan or umpire by using this great App. I know this is true, because that is what it did for me.

Jim Bettencourt, CEO, umpire, app creator, author

Baseball Rules in Black and White App



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