Sunday, January 27, 2019

Baseball Rules in Black and White an Effective Resource

We have deconstructed wordy, confusing baseball rule book language, then we reconstructed that rule book language into basic English sentences that are easy to read and make sense. Some of the rule book language was so confusing and poorly worded it took weeks to extract the jest of the rule, in order to construct a basic English sentence.

Our unique format is far superior to official rule books. With official rule books you get what I call a scavenger hunt format, related pertinent rulings scattered randomly through-out the book. This scavenger hunt format can cause partially correct rulings. 

With the Baseball Rules in Black and White format we have collected and organized related and pertinent rulings, then print them in order of sequence and importance. You get all the related rule information on the same page, instead of wasting time flipping pages looking for numbers. 

The fact is, when we read confusing rule book language or a partial ruling, what we retain becomes distorted and what we recall is doubtful. The worst part, we then apply a ruling that’s weak. Until we are able to easily comprehend rules that we read, we will struggle to retain, recall and apply an accurate ruling. Baseball Rules in Black and White books are easy to comprehend and this makes them a very effective resource.

You can now pre-order these books at Amazon

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