Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Let's be Clear and Certain

Ambiguous, no other word more accurately and concisely defines the baseball rule book, how it is applied and how correctly or incorrectly it is interpreted. 
am·big·u·ous, amˈbiɡyo͞oəs/, Adjective

1. (Of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.

"The question is rather ambiguous"

2. Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.

"The baseball rule book is ambiguous"

Dubiousno other word more accurately and concisely describes the mistrust and suspicions created by ambiguous interpretations of the baseball rule book by an umpire. 
du·bi·ous, ˈd(y)o͞obēəs/, Adjective

1. Hesitating or doubting.

"The baseball coach looked dubious, but complied"
2. Not to be relied upon; suspect.

"The umpire provided an extremely dubious explanation"

Because the baseball rule book is ambiguous, it diminishes concise and accurate rulings in baseball games everywhere. The problems created by the dubious rule book are reduced for umpires with decades of experience, but what about everyone else? 
For everyone else there is Baseball Rules in Black and White. This book has been described by NCAA Division I C.W.S. Umpire Billy Haze as “cliff-notes for the baseball rule book”.  If you are tired of the ambiguity and confusion of the baseball rule book, try the simplicity of Baseball Rules in Black and White. It has over 200 rulings that are clear, concise and reader friendly which include the official rule and page number they were revised from.


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