Monday, February 11, 2019

Baseball Rules in Black and White, what we don’t do.

Baseball Rules in Black and White does not scatter pertinent rule information and randomly hide it throughout a chapter or the entire book. We do not offer the reader bits and pieces of a ruling, as though only a portion of a ruling is what we need in a game. Instead we provide rulings that include related sub-rulings, from the time of the infraction until play has stopped.

Baseball Rules in Black and White does not provide every single rule in baseball and for very good reasons. We believe focusing on the most frequently called infractions umpires see throughout a game, season after season should be our priority. These are the infractions we must rule correctly most often, not the stitch count of the baseball.

Baseball Rules in Black and White’s books do not cause you to spend your valuable time flipping pages searching for hidden, scattered or partial rules in confusing language in tiny font. Instead we have taken obscure rule book language and random formatting and converted it into a structured format, with easy to read basic English sentences.

You’re going to spend your valuable time searching and flipping pages anyway, instead try studying, retaining and correctly applying the most frequently called rules with Baseball Rules in Black and White.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Baseball Umpires Young and Old Benefit

Take a time and listen to what Billy Haze CWS umpire knows, that beginner or veteran every umpire can benefit from

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Endorsements Matter

The 2019 NCAA and NFHS Baseball Rules in Black and White resources take readers quickly to a rule, use straightforward language, while retaining accuracy, to convey a clear and decisive interpretation, in a beneficial format. We are honored to have the following accomplished umpires and associations from across the country endorse the many benefits of our books.

Bradley Hungerford California Baseball Umpires Association’s Executive Instructional Chairman - "It is my opinion Baseball Rules in Black and White’s 2019 High School Edition reader friendly content and format should be read and studied by every high school umpire and coach across the country."

Billy Haze 2016 NCAA Division I, College World Series Umpire - “I believe the message in Baseball Rules in Black and White. You must understand what the rule is saying before you can properly call and explain that rule.

The National High School Baseball Coaches Association - "In the continuing effort to help our members of the National High School Baseball Coaches Association, we recommend the 2019 edition of NFHS Baseball Rules in Black and White as a beneficial and effective resource for all High School baseball coaches"

    Doug McClure, Triple Play Umpires - “The 2018 College Edition of Baseball Rules in Black and White will help you to understand NCAA rules, along with the rule references so that your knowledge will be spot on. We at Triple Play Umpires and many others fully recommend that you give this your attention.”

Pre-order our 2019 NCAA and NFHS editions at Amazon or at our website below, copies retails for $14.99